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Acting Club

A group of young people in blue shirts posing for a photo outdoors.

Second Act 

Advanced Theatre Club

Join Us

Are you ready to stretch your imagination and continue to develop your acting skills? If you said yes then this positive and encouraging atmosphere is where you need to be. This club will dive deeper into learning and utilizing the  “Actor's Toolbox” to  further develop your acting and communication skills through voice and facial expressions, improvisation, script interpretation, working as a team, body movement, audition tips and much much more! Join us in this fun journey into the many different aspects of the theatre that can help you grow in your craft!


Prerequisite to Join: You are encouraged to attend this club if you have done one of the following; 

1) performed in a BHMS play or musical.

2) performed in community shows.

3) previous member of the Speech & Acting Team or participated in the Fall of 2024. 


Club Information:

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 2:45-4:15 PM on the BHMS Stage

Activity Fee: $50 for new members. $25 for Fall 2024 returning studentsClick here to make payment

Showcase Date: Tuesday, April 29th @ 7. All members are required to perform in this showcase. A performance piece will be found to fit the level of your student.


The first meeting is Tuesday, January 28th, from 2:45-4:15 on the BHMS stage. The deadline for registration and payment to join is Tuesday, February 4th. Scan the QR code to register. Please review the Second Act Club Handbook for more details and meeting dates for this club.


Second Act Parent Handbook

Rising Star-Acting Club: for grades 4th-8th/Beginners in the theatre club “Information COMING SOON!!”



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