Our school board is dedicated to fostering an environment where every student can achieve academic excellence and personal growth in a safe and supportive setting.
As elected representatives of our community, we are committed to making informed decisions that shape the future of our schools. Our responsibilities include:
Our mission is to support every student in reaching their full potential by prioritizing safety, equity, and excellence in all our decisions. We invite you to explore our initiatives, participate in our meetings, and join us in our dedication to student success and safety.
Welcome to the School Board
Our school board is dedicated to ensuring high levels of growth for all learners; cultivating a safe, secure and inclusive learning environment that is responsive to the evolving needs of all stakeholders; and optimizing the operations for an improved educational experience for all students by effectively using all resources while maintaining fiscal responsibility.
As elected representatives of our community, we are committed to making informed decisions that shape the future of our schools. Our responsibilities include:
Our mission is to educate, empower and engage all learners.
Kevin Lyons, President
Joe Cernuska, Vice President
Ashley Bennett, Secretary
Tiffany Enters
Brian Johnson
Vivian Kueter
Doug Pedersen
Live Stream
Closed session begins at 6:00 pm and open session begins immediately following closed session.
Here is the link to tonight’s meeting
Guidelines for Public Participation at a Board of Education Meeting
Meeting Logistics
Big Hollow School District #38 holds its regular board meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month. A schedule of meetings, agendas, and minutes from past meetings may be found on the website. In addition, the Board may hold special Committee of the whole meetings or other Committee meetings that will also be posted on the website.
Meeting Protocol
The Big Hollow Board of Education, like most governing bodies in the State of Illinois, holds its meetings in the public pursuant to open meeting laws. These meetings are referred to as "meetings in the public," not "public meetings." BOE meetings are not public, town hall type of meetings where active debate, questions, and conversation are exchanged between the public and the Board of Education members. The intention of this is not to close off communication with the public, but to ensure that the Board of Education is effectively and efficiently conducting business on behalf of the district and making progress toward its goals while adhering to the open meeting laws of the state.
Public Participation
Although this is a meeting of the Board of Education, not a public meeting, the Board recognizes the value of active community participation and encourages public attendance. An opportunity will occur prior to Action items on the meeting agenda for this participation.
We believe that effective dialogue can occur only in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We invite members of the public to share this commitment with us and respectfully request that anyone wishing to address the Board keep the following guidelines in mind: