Barbara Steinseifer, Director of Curriculum and Instruction / 847-740-1490 x4110
Nicole Stroup, Teaching and Learning Coordinator / 847-740-1490 x5009
Cathy Alonso, Administrative Assistant / 847-740-1490 x5323
Melanie Brunet, Administrative Assistant / 847-740-1490 x5021
Welcome to Big Hollow’s Teaching and Learning Department where we are committed to providing standards aligned innovative, and inclusive educational experience that addresses the diverse needs of all students. We implement, design, and continuously evaluate curricula that are not only aligned with state standards, but also reflect high leverage instructional practices backed by research. By offering targeted professional development and providing comprehensive instructional resources, we empower teachers with the tools and support they need to deliver high-quality, student-centered instruction. Our focus on continuous improvement and data-driven practices ensures that we are always evolving to meet the needs of all of our learners. Through these efforts, we aim to cultivate academic excellence, foster critical thinking, and prepare students for success in an ever-changing global society.
Illinois Instructional Mandates
Big Hollow School District 38 is committed to meeting the Illinois Instructional Mandates, which establish key educational standards to ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive education for all students. These mandates encompass a broad range of subjects, including health education, civics, computer science, and more. We are dedicated to integrating the Illinois mandates into our curriculum, empowering students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.
Big Hollow School District 38 uses several state and district assessments to monitor student progress and evaluate program effectiveness. This Assessment Overview provides descriptions of the assessments used throughout the year, including the type of assessment; skills assessed; frequency of administration; and participating grades. Detailed information about each assessment is provided below the overview table.
Assessment Descriptions
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core and are administered in English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and is used to measure student mastery of the Illinois science standards.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a Common Core-aligned, adaptive, computer-based assessment. This nationally normed assessment is designed to measure growth over time in the areas of reading and math. The MAP uses a RIT (Rasch Unit) scale developed to simplify the interpretation of test scores as it grows over time. The district utilizes the achievement and growth data to inform instructional planning for individuals and groups of students.
FastBridge Learning® is a universal screening and progress monitoring tool that supports Multi-Tiered Services and Supports (MTSS) for reading and math. FastBridge uses brief, valid and reliable measures of reading and math performance for grades K-6.
The Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) by FastBridge Learning® is a brief, efficient tool for universal screening of student risk for social-emotional and behavioral problems. Teachers complete a 19-item SAEBRS screener for K-4 students, while 5-8 students complete a 20-item mySAEBRS screener using a self-paced computer assessment. The results allow teachers to assess the overall impact of their Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) instruction, as well as proactively identify students’ social or emotional needs.